Author Archives: jwenzel

Had My Six Month Checkup Today

Today I had my six month checkup to see how my eyes are doing in terms of my cornea transplant and overall state of keratoconus.

I am pleased that the cornea graft on my left eye is doing perfect and there is no sign of progression in terms of my keratoconus.

I am also thankful that the stye that I had a few months ago ended up resolving itself without causing an infection. Starting myself on cleaning my eye lids with occusoft before inserting my sclerals seems to be doing the trick as I haven’t had a repeat occurrence as of yet.

My next appointment will be in six months and with a new doctor.

Today Marks Another Milestone

Today marks the 5-year anniversary of my cornea transplant. My cornea transplant was 1/23/2017. 5 years ago, today would have been a Monday instead of a Sunday. I was able to get a DALK transplant instead of a PK which should mean that my transplant should last theoretically forever since the main cause of cornea graft rejections hasn’t been touched since DALK is a partial thickness (99% transplant my doctor called it) the procedure leaves the final layer of your cornea intact.

I am pleased to report that everything appears to be going smoothly and no signs of trouble is immediately apparent. This whole thing wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations of grieving families that are bold enough to extract some good out of a terrible situation through the act of organ and tissue donation.

That time of year for my Christmas Tradition post transplant

Front and back of card
Inside of card and message

Ever since I received my cornea transplant I made it a point to send out a Christmas card as a thank you for their generosity.

Without their generosity and their willingness to help others despite their tragic loss I wouldn’t have been able to keep my eye site and for that I will be forever thankful.

I greatly encourage others to consider organ donation if the time comes. You will get the chance to extract some sort of good out of a tragic situation.

Today Marks Another Milestone

Today marks my 5th year anniversary of having my keratoconus diagnosis confirmed. I also learned that my left eye was already bad enough to need a cornea transplant to restore vision enough to be considered useable.

It doesn’t feel like it could have been 5 years but it has 7/11/2016 was the day I had the initial diagnosis of keratoconus that Millers Family Eye Care that got me referred over to Wolfe Eye Clinic confirmed.

As a result things started to head in the right direction and I owe all of this to getting a second opinion and if I would have listened to the first I would have been in a much worse situation potentially causing my cornea to rupture.

As of now I get nearly 20/20 in my left eye and 20/20 in my right thanks to scleral contacts.

Today Marks Another Milestone

Its that time again. Today marks 5 years since I went to Millers Family Eye Care and was told that I likely have Keratoconus.

I regard this as my 5 year anniversary of my unofficial diagnosis as it wasn’t confirmed by a specialist yet. July 11 is when my diagnosis of Keratoconus becomes official.

Time for my Yearly Eye Exam

Today I had my yearly full eye exam. This is something everyone should be doing for the safety of their vision and health. My sclerals are still giving me 20/20.

I expected things to go smoothly this time which it actually did. This would be my first eye exam where I wasn’t surprised with something going on.

In just a week and a half I will be hitting another milestone and shortly after another similar milestone.

Today Makes 4 Years

4 years ago today I had my cornea transplant. I am pleased to report that my cornea graft is going strong still. It doesn’t seem that long ago since I had to get my cornea transplant.

Things have changed a great deal in these 4 years and even had cataract surgery that was likely due to the anti rejection eye drops I had to take.

Overall this seems to still be a thing I don’t regret doing as it was defiantly massively beneficial to have done. I thank the donor family for being able to provide me a cornea to regain my lost vision.