Category Archives: March 2018

My contacts are in!!!

So just got home from receiving my contacts.

I CAN FINALLY READ STUFF WITH MY LEFT EYE!! Though still not yet perfect time will tell when ive fully adjusted to these contacts if they will get any better. I definitely can feel them in my eyes but that’s to be expected.

I can tolerate the presence of the contacts. In a few weeks to a month I should be completely comfortable with these rgp contacts as the primary downside to rgp contacts is the adaptation process.

Today is the day

Today I finally get my contacts and can start the process of adapting to them.

I’ll only be able to wear them for 4 hours the first day and then an extra hour per day until I can go a full day.

It can take two weeks to a month to get the optimal comfort out of the rgp contacts but for the quality of vision and reduced risk of common contact complications it will be worth it.