Category Archives: 2019

Now I have a cataract

Recently it hit me while I was regularly going to my vision appointments for my contacts that it didn’t necessarily mean that I was getting regular full comprehensive eye exams.

So after determining that Wolfe Eye Clinic being a specialty clinic and not a general clinic I made an appointment at Miller’s Family Eye Care where my keratoconus journey started.

Today I had the appointment and was rather shocked to see that I have a sizable cataract in my left eye.

I got really nervous to the point that I went to the receptionist asking for a referral to the Cataract specialist at Wolfe Eye Clinic when I was supposed to do it at the checkout area without thinking.

After doing some reading on cataract development post cornea transplant. I have discovered that there has been evidence linking to the procedure and the drops used being linked to the development of cataracts.

I just wish that I was informed of the possibility of developing a cataract so that I would be on the lookout for such a development. I still would have consented to the procedure.

Today marks another milestone

Three years ago today was the day that I had the appointment at the cornea specialist at Wolfe Eye Clinic and got the diagnosis of keratoconus confirmed.

It was at this point I learned my left eye would need a cornea transplant and I got my first pair of glasses set up.

Today is another milestone

Three years ago was the day that I was diagnosed with keratoconus. Although it wasn’t the time that my specialist at Wolfe eye clinic it was the day that I had the appointment at Millers Family Eye Care that lead the diagnosis and referral to Wolfe eye clinic to confirm.

Today Marks Yet Another Milestone

As of today it has been my first year of wearing contacts. These are specialty RGP contacts as opposed to traditional Soft Contacts.

Things are going great despite hitting a roadblock but a simple switch of solution overcame it. I am able to get by without any additional rewetting drops most days with general comfort.

While the stability of my left contact has been successfully managed for the most part. My changing careers from the IT field to Manufacturing has me a bit concerned about the need to switch to scleral contacts but I will deal with that when the time comes.