Category Archives: December 2019

Now I have a cataract

Recently it hit me while I was regularly going to my vision appointments for my contacts that it didn’t necessarily mean that I was getting regular full comprehensive eye exams.

So after determining that Wolfe Eye Clinic being a specialty clinic and not a general clinic I made an appointment at Miller’s Family Eye Care where my keratoconus journey started.

Today I had the appointment and was rather shocked to see that I have a sizable cataract in my left eye.

I got really nervous to the point that I went to the receptionist asking for a referral to the Cataract specialist at Wolfe Eye Clinic when I was supposed to do it at the checkout area without thinking.

After doing some reading on cataract development post cornea transplant. I have discovered that there has been evidence linking to the procedure and the drops used being linked to the development of cataracts.

I just wish that I was informed of the possibility of developing a cataract so that I would be on the lookout for such a development. I still would have consented to the procedure.