Category Archives: October 2020

My Fourth Set Of Sclerals are in

Today I got to pick up my fourth set of sclerals.

So far it seems that I am not getting the vision that the set before my previous set gave me.

This unfortunately means that I am likely to have to go for a fifth set. Hoping that at least I will be getting a better fit this time around as that would mean I’m almost set.

Another Checkup Another Set Of Sclerals

So I had my checkup appointment to see how the third fit of sclerals turned out.

Sadly my right is again too tight and the clearance on my left is a bit much. Still this is to be expected as fitting for sclerals is complicated and people has had to have been through 4-8+ fitting attempts before they managed to get the fit right.

Here’s hoping that the fourth time is the one that is successful

Hit A New Milestone

For the very first time since I started to wear scleral lenses I managed to get both of them in on the first try and without any bubbles to boot.

I have gotten the right scleral in on the first go numerous times. However this is not only the first time that i got my left one in on the first try it is also the first time I got both.