Category Archives: 2021

That time of year for my Christmas Tradition post transplant

Front and back of card
Inside of card and message

Ever since I received my cornea transplant I made it a point to send out a Christmas card as a thank you for their generosity.

Without their generosity and their willingness to help others despite their tragic loss I wouldn’t have been able to keep my eye site and for that I will be forever thankful.

I greatly encourage others to consider organ donation if the time comes. You will get the chance to extract some sort of good out of a tragic situation.

Today Marks Another Milestone

Today marks my 5th year anniversary of having my keratoconus diagnosis confirmed. I also learned that my left eye was already bad enough to need a cornea transplant to restore vision enough to be considered useable.

It doesn’t feel like it could have been 5 years but it has 7/11/2016 was the day I had the initial diagnosis of keratoconus that Millers Family Eye Care that got me referred over to Wolfe Eye Clinic confirmed.

As a result things started to head in the right direction and I owe all of this to getting a second opinion and if I would have listened to the first I would have been in a much worse situation potentially causing my cornea to rupture.

As of now I get nearly 20/20 in my left eye and 20/20 in my right thanks to scleral contacts.

Today Marks Another Milestone

Its that time again. Today marks 5 years since I went to Millers Family Eye Care and was told that I likely have Keratoconus.

I regard this as my 5 year anniversary of my unofficial diagnosis as it wasn’t confirmed by a specialist yet. July 11 is when my diagnosis of Keratoconus becomes official.

Time for my Yearly Eye Exam

Today I had my yearly full eye exam. This is something everyone should be doing for the safety of their vision and health. My sclerals are still giving me 20/20.

I expected things to go smoothly this time which it actually did. This would be my first eye exam where I wasn’t surprised with something going on.

In just a week and a half I will be hitting another milestone and shortly after another similar milestone.

Today Makes 4 Years

4 years ago today I had my cornea transplant. I am pleased to report that my cornea graft is going strong still. It doesn’t seem that long ago since I had to get my cornea transplant.

Things have changed a great deal in these 4 years and even had cataract surgery that was likely due to the anti rejection eye drops I had to take.

Overall this seems to still be a thing I don’t regret doing as it was defiantly massively beneficial to have done. I thank the donor family for being able to provide me a cornea to regain my lost vision.