Category Archives: Janurary 2017

And off to my first weekly checkup 

Time sure does fly yesterday marks the first week since the surgery and today I have to go to one of my many weekly check ups.

 I have to go by bus so I take things extra cautious and keep my eye patch on while I wal to the bus station and then from the bus stop to the wolf eye clinic. 

It may take a bit more work to make sure streets are safe to cross but it beats risking a random event that could damage or infect the eye.

With the way I am feeling I expect this checkup to go well 

An Unexpected suprise

So after the surgery i was taking it easy  to recover. At an earlier blog post I also hinted that I was planning on slowly stepping up my Activity level. My activity level that I had before the surgery was 1,200 calories a day in excercise (this doesnt count your staying alive calories burned).

I use an Apple Watch to track what i burn in excercise. But being that i’m still recovering i will be starting off again at 600 and if that proves to be a strain i’ll be reducing it even lower still.

Anywho the suprise is that despite taking it easy with minimal activity I lost 4 pounds. I weighed myself 3 times to confirm as I didn’t quite belive this but I definately went from 223 to 219 pounds lol.

One Small Step to a return to normalcy

With how things are going lately i’m going to attempt to start raising my activity level again starting Monday to help curb the few pounds i likely gained since my Cornea transplant and if I return to loosing some of the weight thats great but i’ll be starting out smaller. For those who don’t quite know me a few months before the surgery I splurged on an Apple Watch. I used it to track my activity and to use it to make life more convienient.

Between then and the time of surgery i went from 256 pounds to 223 pounds. I haven’t weighed myself since the surgery but i do expect to have gained a few pounds. Before i was spending 1,200 calories a day in excercise but I will only be going after 600 to start. I think when I further recover enough to return to the ful 1,200 routine i may only push for that till i get back to 222 and ease up on the activity so I can start to enjoy other activities such as playing EVE Online again.

Of course if this proves to be too much of a strain i’ll have to reduce things to a lower activity level as I am clear for walks and such putting too much strain can lead to rejection of the cornea graft and that would mean the end of all I have worked to make this sucessfull.

A rather uneventful day but the dryness of the eyes! Oh and some webserver changes

Nothing much has changed in terms of recovery but the dry eye doesn’t seem to feel like it wants to go away. The less tech savvy viewers who haven’t installed my Certificate Authority Certificate may be noticing that they are not getting SSL related errors anymore. That’s because I’m now using LetsEncrypt SSL certificates obtained freely from a bit bummed out that i cant utilize a stronger bit strength but this will have to do as long as this blog is to be up