Category Archives: June 2022

Today Marks Yet Another Milestone!

Six years ago was the day that I had my appointment with Millers Family Eye Care and got advised that I had Keratoconus.

They referred me to Wolfe Eye Clinic which ultimately confirmed the diagnosis and that my left eye was bad enough to need a cornea transplant.

It still surprises me that I could have let it go for so long and that my right eye was able to take over so well. I thought that nobody would take it seriously given that at the time I would have decent vision in the morning but crap in the evening I thought they wouldn’t be able to find the problem.

This Year’s Full Eye Exam Went Well!

So I had my yearly Full Eye Exam today! Everything is going smoothly no signs of any issues and my scleral prescription is stable!!!

Kinda Expected this really with how things were going but it’s nice to have that confirmation that things are going well. I don’t even need to get a new set of sclerals.

Hoping this trend continues because the thing about keratoconus is that it can go dormant whenever it chooses to and then spontaneously starts progressing but so far things are going good for me!