Category Archives: July 2022

Today Is Another Milestone!

As of today I have reached the 6 year mark of my official diagnosis of Keratoconus. 7/11/2016 was the day that I went to Wolfe Eye Clinic after being referred to them by Miller’s Family Eye Care due to their suspicion of me having Keratoconus.

Still don’t quite get how I managed to let things go undetected for so long. With how my dominant eye was doing ok in the morning but crap by evening that the doctors wouldn’t be able to find anything wrong.

Always take changes in your vision serious and do your daily eye exam you might be surprised to find an improvement in vision. You could even discover your developing diabetes enough in advance before any noticeable symptoms show up, the eye is the first thing that can be effected by diabetes.

Also if your doctor isn’t checking for Keratoconus if your prescription is changing frequently or you are prepping for LASIK i’d advise you to find someone else