Category Archives: April 2017

My Eye Appointment went great

My appointment went as expected and quicker then expected.

For now my contacts bring my Left eye to 20/30 and my Right Eye to 20/20. Things are going well in terms of my vision.

The threat of progression of my Keratoconus in my Right eye remains as does the rejection of the cornea graft in my Left Eye but for the time being I’m in really good shape again. My next appointment is in six months.

And great news for me

The vision part of the exam didn’t go quite as anticipated but my cornea is healing good enough that I got to have two sutures removed.

While my predinisolone has been cut to three times daily I have to take antibiotic eye drops 4 times a day for 3 days.

Why must my left eyes vision be at its worst on my appointments lol but with two sutures gone things should improve more.

Getting kinda excited for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have my next appointment with my ophthalmologist and if all goes as expected I will be getting the first of my sutures removed. I will also get to find out if I can stop putting on the eye shield when I am going to sleep for the night. I will also find out if they will be adjusting my eye drops or not.

Definitely making progress on my long road of recovery. The first four months of the 18 month recovery is going quite well so far at least that’s what things seem to be. I am still in the period where if I’m going to reject the cornea its going to happen between now and the first 18 months. Giving the way things are going on and the rejection rate of the DALK procedure one can be rather optimistic with the way things are going for me :).

Two weeks from having my first suture removed.

In two weeks I’ll finally be able to get one of my sutures removed. Getting kind of excited but remaining cautious as while things are going great so far but for the first 18 months post transplant I’ll be in the prime time of cornea rejection as rejection tends to happen within the first 18 months or years later. 

So far so good however things are going great and progress is being made. One can anticipate success overall given the low rate of rejection overall.

So I just had a unique experience

So just a few minutes ago I took my last dose of prednisone of the day but for whatever reason despite getting the drop in my left eye on the first try which hasn’t happened in a while. The drop of prednisone somehow squirted into the right eye (the eye that did not need it) from inside my face somehow which was midly uncomfortable  AND made my vision very blurry.

To make matters worse I was just starting a match on Titanfall 2 and had to go through half the round barely able to see what I was doing. This has never happened to me before and was a scary experience. Thought for sure I ruined it for the team but we managed to barely win lol.

OH and on top of that some of  the drop drained into my mouth so I also got to taste the drops which did not taste good lolz