Category Archives: June 2017

Today marks a milestone 

One year ago today was the day that I had the crucial second opinion that ultimately led to my diagnosis of keratoconus.

This also marks the day that I got referred to Wolfe eye clinic where I was officially diagnosed with keratoconus.

Time sure does fly by

Tomorrow is a big day for me 

Tomorrow I get to go see just how much progress I am making recovering from my cornea transplant and see if I get any more sutures removed and or reduction of my predinisolone eye drops. I expect to get my prescription updated sometime after the appointment after the next one going on the schedule should be in august

And another step to normalcy 

So after a few months of reduced activity after the cornea transplant it seems that I am finally back to loosing weight as opposed to maintaining the weight and still not gaining. Finally dropped from 220’s and I am now at 217 giving that I started off at 256 this makes 39 pounds lost.