My Next Appointment is coming up :)

In 5 days on July 20th will be my next appointment. I anticipate good news and a few more sutures to be removed as everything is going smoothly still.

My vision on my left eye is approaching that of my right eye now it just needs to get better at seeing at a distance still but hopefully it’ll improve more after my next appointment.

Today marks another milestone

July 11 2016 today of last year was the day that I had the appointment that I was referred to and my diagnosis was officially confirmed and the plan of treatment was set it motion.

Had it not have been for a crucial second opinion I would not be on the right track and my cornea could have torn open as judging by the scarring on the cornea that was found it was in the condition tho happen at any time.

If something for doctor says sounds a bit off don’t be afraid to get a second opinion he could be right or wrong but doing so could save yourself hassle down the road.

Today marks a milestone 

One year ago today was the day that I had the crucial second opinion that ultimately led to my diagnosis of keratoconus.

This also marks the day that I got referred to Wolfe eye clinic where I was officially diagnosed with keratoconus.

Time sure does fly by

Tomorrow is a big day for me 

Tomorrow I get to go see just how much progress I am making recovering from my cornea transplant and see if I get any more sutures removed and or reduction of my predinisolone eye drops. I expect to get my prescription updated sometime after the appointment after the next one going on the schedule should be in august

And another step to normalcy 

So after a few months of reduced activity after the cornea transplant it seems that I am finally back to loosing weight as opposed to maintaining the weight and still not gaining. Finally dropped from 220’s and I am now at 217 giving that I started off at 256 this makes 39 pounds lost.

And great news for me

The vision part of the exam didn’t go quite as anticipated but my cornea is healing good enough that I got to have two sutures removed.

While my predinisolone has been cut to three times daily I have to take antibiotic eye drops 4 times a day for 3 days.

Why must my left eyes vision be at its worst on my appointments lol but with two sutures gone things should improve more.

Getting kinda excited for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have my next appointment with my ophthalmologist and if all goes as expected I will be getting the first of my sutures removed. I will also get to find out if I can stop putting on the eye shield when I am going to sleep for the night. I will also find out if they will be adjusting my eye drops or not.

Definitely making progress on my long road of recovery. The first four months of the 18 month recovery is going quite well so far at least that’s what things seem to be. I am still in the period where if I’m going to reject the cornea its going to happen between now and the first 18 months. Giving the way things are going on and the rejection rate of the DALK procedure one can be rather optimistic with the way things are going for me :).