Two weeks from having my first suture removed.

In two weeks I’ll finally be able to get one of my sutures removed. Getting kind of excited but remaining cautious as while things are going great so far but for the first 18 months post transplant I’ll be in the prime time of cornea rejection as rejection tends to happen within the first 18 months or years later. 

So far so good however things are going great and progress is being made. One can anticipate success overall given the low rate of rejection overall.

So I just had a unique experience

So just a few minutes ago I took my last dose of prednisone of the day but for whatever reason despite getting the drop in my left eye on the first try which hasn’t happened in a while. The drop of prednisone somehow squirted into the right eye (the eye that did not need it) from inside my face somehow which was midly uncomfortable  AND made my vision very blurry.

To make matters worse I was just starting a match on Titanfall 2 and had to go through half the round barely able to see what I was doing. This has never happened to me before and was a scary experience. Thought for sure I ruined it for the team but we managed to barely win lol.

OH and on top of that some of  the drop drained into my mouth so I also got to taste the drops which did not taste good lolz


The appointment was great but long 

Just got out of the appointment with flying colors. My cornea is healing well and my prednisone is being cut down from 6 times a day to 4 times a day.

Only bummer was an unexpected 1 and a half hour wait between stages of the appointment. Two more months of the shield.

In the next two months I get to slowly start removing the sutures one at a time!

So my next monthly checkup on my Left Eye is coming up

So tomorrow is my monthly checkup. One item under consideration is weather or not to reduce the amount of times a day i need my predinisone eye drops. It’s currently at six times a day. I expect things to go well my left eye can see most text on my tv though struggles a bit on smaller text and it can almost read off my iPad so things are looking fairly optimistic. 

I anticipate to be able to start the removal of the sutures soon giving that I was able to do DALK and not PK thus recovery time is much shorter. Once removal of the sutures starts its only one at a time and is a real long process in itself. But we’ll just see what the doctor says on my appointment. I may even get a surprise to be able to get my new prescription setup. Got my eyes on a new eye glasses frame and I’m super stoked to eventually get it.

Below is a pic of the frames i want so bad

So the yoyo vision is a thing. This comes as no surprise 

As predicted I am noticing the overall vision of my left eye switching from better to worse. The overall difference isn’t all that much. This is within expectations and won’t be getting stable vision for quite some time.

 My right eye does similar decent vision when I wake up and definitely need my glasses by the evening. Overall there has been very little changes going on for the past week and likely won’t see any changes until my next appointment on the 28th. In this case no news is good news in the long trip of recovery.

Lol the itchiness

Would be nice if this ithciness bit would at the very least be consistant. Every now and then I get an itchiness sensation just after i take my drops. But its very random in occurance which is both a blessing and some oddity that has me bugged as to why its happening lol.