And a sigh of relief

Passed the physical and the doctors seemed ok with the fact that I was going to have surgery at Mercy Hospital and would cooperate. This relieved the majority of my worries and only have to wait for my PASE appointment over the phone on Thursday Januwary 19

A week away from surgery and getting nervous

So monday January 16 I have my Pre Op Physical at Unity Point West Side Urgent care and the main reason I am so nervous is because of the fear that Unity Point wouldn’t Cooperate with Mercy and I would have to have my Surgery rescheduled while i got a mercy doctor setup.

Which if you are into the latest political occurrences you may realize that health care is currently under attack and a delay could have easily prevented me from getting the surgery altogether if things went bad enough.

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Jeremiah Wenzel I’m 31 years old and as of July 11, 2016 I was diagnosed with keratoconus in both of my eyes. I am into pretty much all things IT related and gaming. I love tinkering with servers and Linux distributions My current Desktop is ran by Fedora though I also love arch Linux and FreeBSD. My server is running FreeBSD. This blog will be covering my progress of recovery from a recent Surgery that i have had February 23, 2017.

Unfortunately it was too late to do anything other then having a cornea transplant on my Left eye My right eye can be saved from such an operation if i can get Corneal Cross Linking. Corneal cross linking procedures was only approved by the FDA a few months ago despite the rest of the world successfully using the procedure for over a decade. This is quite frustrating as if the United States would just not drag their feet on everything I probably wouldn’t be in this shape provided i discovered this sooner. Hopefully insurance will start covering the procedure before its too late for my Right Eye.

This site is still under construction as i only recently got the idea to set this up Thank You for your patience.

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