Two years ago today was my official diagnosis of keratoconus. It sure shows how fast time goes by as it doesn’t quite feel like it has been 2 years since I found out about this eye condition that was going undetected all these years. This most likely started way back when I was in high school.
For the final time I had to refill my eye drops prescription
As of today I have put in my final refill for my anti rejection eye drops. I expect to be done with them by the time my current drops and the refill runs out.
another month another milestone
Late post but as of yesterday im 2 months away from the day I stop taking my anti rejection eye drops.
This point will mark the point where i’m considered fully recovered. Things have been going pretty smoothly and no longer having issues with my left eye’s contact popping out.
Today marks yet another milestone
As of today I only have 3 more months of taking my anti rejection drops.
As per usual this will mark my full recovery. Things continue to go smoothly and once I am done with my drops I will be past the time frame where the majority of cornea graft rejections occur and should be able to anticipate my new cornea to last for quite some time.
So it has come to my realization that today marks a milestone
Just happened to realize that as of today I have had my RGP contacts for my first entire month.
My Eye Appointment went great
My appointment went as expected and quicker then expected.
For now my contacts bring my Left eye to 20/30 and my Right Eye to 20/20. Things are going well in terms of my vision.
The threat of progression of my Keratoconus in my Right eye remains as does the rejection of the cornea graft in my Left Eye but for the time being I’m in really good shape again. My next appointment is in six months.
Today I have my first checkup for my RGP contacts
Today I have my first checkup appointment to ensure that things are going smoothly with my contacts and that the fit is correct.
Based on how things are going I expect things to go mostly ok. The incident of loosing the left contact once will be discussed but given how the replacement is going fine don’t anticipate anything major to go down.
It was expected to have a little bit of issues with my Left eye due to abnormal eye shape and if the rgp contact becomes too much of an issue i’ll just have to get to scleral contact for the left eye. The right eye is going perfect.
As of today I am four months away from full recovery
As of today I have only four months remaining for my anti rejection eye drops.
Once I finish the eye drops I am pretty much fully recovered at this point.
My replacement contact came
Today I finally got my replacement contact and get to reset the adaptation process for my left eye.
I expected to feel it as much as I did when I first started but I can barely feel the contact already. The adaptation process should be smooth this time around provide that I don’t loose it again.
Will definitely be having my fit corrected or look into getting a scleral contact in the event of future issues
Hoping that my replacement left eye contact arrives soon
A week ago I had the unfortunate accident of having my left eye contact popping out and failed to recover it. It popped out while attempting to determine if my right eye contact popped out as I couldn’t feel it and thought for sure I had lost it.
I am expecting the replacement to arrive any day now.