My contacts are in!!!

So just got home from receiving my contacts.

I CAN FINALLY READ STUFF WITH MY LEFT EYE!! Though still not yet perfect time will tell when ive fully adjusted to these contacts if they will get any better. I definitely can feel them in my eyes but that’s to be expected.

I can tolerate the presence of the contacts. In a few weeks to a month I should be completely comfortable with these rgp contacts as the primary downside to rgp contacts is the adaptation process.

Today is the day

Today I finally get my contacts and can start the process of adapting to them.

I’ll only be able to wear them for 4 hours the first day and then an extra hour per day until I can go a full day.

It can take two weeks to a month to get the optimal comfort out of the rgp contacts but for the quality of vision and reduced risk of common contact complications it will be worth it.

Getting excited for my contacts

So during the weekend I have been practicing the motions to get my test contact in. As per instructions I am only to actually put it in during business hours. My little incident the very first attempt highlighted the importance of the matter.

On Monday I am pretty sure that I will be successful in getting the contact in. I always figured the hard part would be getting the contact to stay on the finger but it turns out getting it in is the hard part lol.

Kinda going to miss glasses but this seems to be the only option to get worthwhile vision out of my left eye which is surprising as as it stood I didn’t think the vision of the left eye would be bad enough that glasses wouldn’t help. But at the same time I would have likely have had to move on to contacts sometime in the future anyway and life with contacts does have its pros and cons.

Appointment went well and verdict is in

My appointment went well as expected.

It has been determined that contacts would be my best bet in terms of overall vision. This isn’t all that surprising given the vision level of my left eye.

I get fitted for them on Friday I’ll then see if both eyes are getting contacts or if I’ll be going in a hybrid setup with the contact in left eye and current glasses for  the right.

I also found out that I will be discontinuing eye drops in six months as healing is going as expected.

In a way I think I’ll miss my glasses but if things are going to be better with contacts then so be it.

Tomorrow is my next appointment

Tomorrow is my next big appointment.

I will also be finding out if its best for me to stick with glasses or to get contact lenses. I kind of hope I get to keep using glasses as I’m kind of nervous with the prospect of getting the dang contacts in my eye reliably.

This will be my first appointment since the remainder of the sutures have been removed.

One week until my next appointment

Nearing that time again I am one week away from my next appointment.

I will be seeing my cornea doctor as well as their doctor that deals with lenses/contacts fitting. It will then be determined if glasses or contacts would be my best option.

Kinda hoping that I get to stick with glasses as just can’t see how I can get them in easily and I have grown into the preference of glasses.

Today I have reached a milestone.

Today marks my one year anniversary for my  cornea transplant. The date of said cornea transplant was January 23, 2017.

A month ago I was anticipating having two sutures remaining. However to my surprise i had all four remaining sutures removed thus making my recovery quicker.

While it would appear that I may have lost out on the cornea lottery as the level of astigmatism is higher then my doctor would have liked. At least my vision is still actually usable and can still be corrected with glasses or contacts as well as avoiding a tear in the cornea which would have meant I would have had to take the full thickness cornea transplant and would have had a worse outcome then a partial thickness transplant would have provided.

My next big milestone will be when it becomes time to get off of my anti rejection eye drops as at that point i’ll probably declaring myself fully recovered from my cornea transplant.