Had my eye appointment today with mixed results

So had my eye appointment that was supposed to be for eye pressure check but turned out to be in regards of my contacts. I discussed my issues that I have been having and confirmed that my prescription is in fact changing.

However my fear of progression appears to be unfounded as topography indicates no changes of my cornea. Unfortunately I failed to bring my contacts with me and being that I thought it was going to be just a eye pressure check that I wouldn’t need them. Should have as he could have checked my contact to see if there was anything wrong with it.

I also learned that it would be a terrible idea to go with hybrid contacts at least for my left eye as according to him hybrids tend to suction onto your eye and could do more harm then good giving my partial thickness transplant.

I was about to hold off on this appointment due to my impending cataract surgery but when they told me this was to do a pressure check I went ahead and had it rescheduled as it was previously cancelled to the coronavirus pandemic.

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